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SPINAL JAXX products may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:

  • 7,041,309
  • 7,727,280
  • 8,088,402
  • 8,187,332
  • 8,267,968
  • 8,597,360
  • 9,186,262
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  • 9,526,525
  • 9,532,883
  • 9,974,665
  • 10,016,283
  • 10,092,422
  • 10,098,757
  • 10,111,760
  • 10,159,583
  • 10,213,321
  • 10,292,830
  • 10,420,654
  • 11,458,029
  • 10,575,966
  • 10,682,240
  • 10,709,574
  • 10,729,560
  • 10,729,562
  • 10,736,754
  • 10,973,657
  • 11,141,289
  • 11,399,956
  • 11,432,940
  • 11,439,517
  • 11,452,616
  • 11,458,029
  • 11,497,623
  • 11,583,414
  • 11,963,884

SPINAL JAXX products may also be covered by one or more of the following patents:

  • Australian Patent No. 2013267749
  • Australian Patent No. 2014236698
  • Australian Patent No. 2017221852
  • Canadian Patent No. 2,874,749
  • Canadian Patent No. 2,906,531
  • Canadian Patent No. 2,997,505
  • Chinese Patent No. ZL201380040119.5
  • Chinese Patent No. ZL201710881041.X
  • German Patent No. 2854670
  • German Patent No. 2967659
  • European Patent No. 2854670
  • European Patent No. 2967659
  • French Patent No. 2854670
  • French Patent No. 2967659
  • Great Britain Patent No. 2854670
  • Great Britain Patent No. 2967659
  • Indian Patent No. 490880
  • Korean Patent No. 10-2166148
  • Mexican Patent No. MX/A2015/013252
  • Phillipines Patent No. 1-2014-502756

Other U.S. and international patent applications pending.


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